
The L+C Blog

The 4 Business Development Personalities

If you’re really honest with yourself, you’re probably laser-focused on the role pitching plays in your agency’s financial performance.

According to Jody Sutter, Owner of The Sutter Company, agencies usually focus too much of their time, energy and manpower on the pitch.  And while the pitch is important, it’s crucial that your agency isn’t devoting so much energy to pitching that…

Bravery and Boldness: Their Role in the Agency

Being an agency owner brings a unique perspective to both marketing and entrepreneurship.

Getting business, running the agency profitably, and keeping clients happy consume a great deal of the agency leader’s time and energy, and there’s still more. Among the host of things to deal with are employees, budgets, a board, and management issues, not to mention constantly working on…

Why Success in Your Marketing Agency Isn’t All About Numbers

Ask 100 agencies how they measure success, and odds are you’re going to hear some iteration of the same thing.

It will involve revenue, profits vs. losses, time, resources, and any number of other things that might show up on a financial report or a revenue report.

The tendency to focus on “lagging indicators” such as numbers, financials, revenue, & profit, is human…

False Advertising: What is it, and How Does Our Agency Avoid It?

False advertising fact or fake

True or false?

Anyone involved in the advertising process can be held liable under most regulations and statutes that govern false advertising.

Oh. so. true.

The advertiser, the Agency, and anyone else involved who knowingly, or sometimes negligently, fails to follow the rules, is on the hook.

In addition to traditional and digital advertising, when you think about the current stat…

Whose Lawsuit Is It, Anyway? 5 Ways Your Agency Can Get Sued Along With Your Client

agency client lawsuits

Isn’t it tough enough worrying about the everyday risks of running your agency?

From your people-centered issues, to new business protection, contracts, and all-things-compliance, your liabilities are considerable and worthy of regular review.

But did you know that the lifeblood of your agency, your own clients, can end up in hot water and take you along for the ride wit…

When Things Fall Down: Your Agency’s “Fast Action” Plan for Common Marketing Legal Emergencies

marketing legal and creative be prepared

When legal issues confront your agency it feels personal. It hits home. It puts your people, your work and your reputation in the balance.

This is the world I live in with my agency clients and it’s more common than you might think.

Even if a legal emergency (definition: something’s gone bad, and you need to act ASAP) happens infrequently in your work as an agency leader, when it…

Marketing Under the Influence: Understanding the Legal Implications


Marketers may have been uncertain about the regulatory environment at the beginning of a new administration in Washington; but it’s become clear that the FTC remains actively focused on issues of transparency and disclosure in influence marketing tactics.

I know firsthand from my work with marketing agencies that nobody wins when “legal” puts the halt to a brilliant campaign or creativ…

Agency Marketing Strategies That Help Clients Win and Keep Lawyers Happy

marketing agency legal puzzle

Whether on behalf of the clients you serve, or your own agency efforts, the more sophisticated marketing strategies become, the more legal risks you’ll face in your agency.

After providing legal counsel to marketing agencies for 15 years, I’ve seen lots of examples of marketing campaigns “unraveled” in all areas or at all stages of execution.

The most common cause? A reluctance to…

Sharon Toerek to Present at INBOUND 2017: Keep Marketing Safe and Lawyers Away

toerek inbound 2017

CLEVELAND – Sept. 19, 2017 – Sharon L. Toerek, intellectual property and marketing law attorney, and founder of Toerek Law, will present, “Keep Marketing Safe: How to Design A Marketing Strategy That Keeps Lawyers Away,” at INBOUND 2017, 1 p.m., Tuesday, Sept. 26.

In this session, designed for marketing agencies, attendees will learn the rules marketers need to keep it all legal in…

The 5 Legal Mistakes You’re Making in Agency New Business – and How to Fix Them

marketing agency new business mistake

The agency new business process is, for most agencies, exciting and stressful at the same time.

While your team is focused on the thrill of a potential “win,” and what that could mean for the agency’s fortunes, it’s probably equally under stress about meeting deadlines, putting forth your best efforts for the prospect, and keeping other clients happy too.

Jody Sutter of Sutter…


Sharon Toerek
Toerek Law
737 Bolivar Road, Suite 110
Cleveland, Ohio
Call Me: 800.572.1155
Email: sharon@legalandcreative.com

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